Pain in the low back

pain in the low back

Lower back pain in English-language sources call the pain in the lower back (low back pain). Pain often contributes to tension in the lumbar spine, limitation of motion, and antalgic scoliosis. Acute back pain can last from a few days to a few weeks.

Causes, incidence and risk factors for low back pain

Low back pain occurs in almost every man at least once in your life. It should be noted that pain can be in any part of the back, but the pain in the lumbar spine occurs most frequently. This is due to the fact that the lumbar vertebrae bear a maximum load with the weight of His body.

Lower back pain is the second by the number of visits to the physician immediately after a viral infections.
You may feel pain in the lower back when lifting heavy weights, sudden movements, after finding for a long time in one position or after a spine injury.

Sharp pain in the lumbar spine most often caused by a shift of the intervertebral disc and injury to the spinal cord.

Causes of back pain:

  • Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
  • Intervertebral hernia and protrusion of intervertebral disc
  • Spondiloarthrosis
  • Spondylosis
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Compression fracture due to osteoporosis, multiple myeloma, hemangioma vertebra
  • The Tumor in the lumen in the spinal canal
  • Fracture of spine after injury
  • Long-term muscle tension
  • Anatomically narrow spinal canal
  • Curvature of the spine (scoliosis, kyphosis, kyphoscoliosis, disease, the President of the UIA)
  • Aortic aneurysm
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritis
  • Spinal infections - osteomyelitis, discitis, tuberculosis of the spine
  • Pyelonephritis, urolithiasis
  • Complicated pregnancy
  • Gynecological diseases (endometriosis, ovarian cysts, ovarian cancer etc)

The symptoms of low back pain (pain in the lower back)

The pain can be varied: sharp, dull, pulling , burning feeling, may be accompanied by tingling and formication, numbness of the.

The intensity of back pain can vary greatly from mild to unbearable pain that interferes to make the slightest movement. The pain can be combined with pain in the hip, pain in shins, pain in the foot.

The diagnosis of low back pain

First, you need to consult a doctor-neurologist. The doctor will ask You questions about the nature of Your pain, the frequency of recurrence. The doctor will try to determine the cause of the pain and begin the treatment of simple methods (ice, moderate pain relievers, physical therapy and urgent work).

In most cases such treatment is to reduce pain in the back. During the examination the doctor will make precise location of the pain, its radiating, neurological reflexes. Most people with pain in the lumbar spine recovering in 4-6 weeks.

Diagnosis include magnetic resonance imaging (ang. MRI) of the lumbar spine, computed tomography of the lumbar-sacral spine, x-rays of the spine.

Because it is the most common cause of back pain is Intervertebral hernia lumbar-sacral spine, the first thing you need to do an MRI of the lumbar spine. This study will also help eliminate most causes of pain, such as tumor in the lumen in the spinal canal, tuberculosis of the spine, fracture of spine, multiple myeloma, anatomically narrow spinal canal, spondylolisthesis, various types of curvature of the spine, spondylosis and spondylosis. If Your neurologist has not given an MRI, do it yourself. The strength of the MRI machine must be 1 Tesla or more.


Don't start with a diagnosis of x-ray and computed tomography, these methods are dangerous. You can make them in the first place only in cases of suspected fracture of the spine.

Here are some tips on what to do when lower back pain:

  • Reduce physical activity for the first two days after the attack. This will help reduce the symptoms of the disease and swelling in the area of pain.
  • Do not sit, bend forward until the pain has completely subsided.
  • Take painkillers only in case of unbearable pain. It is better to intramuscular injection as the drinking of the anesthetic. This will protect the wall of Your stomach from direct contact with the anti-inflammatory agent. Try to avoid excessive intake of drugs. Do not use for the treatment of hormonal, if low back pain is not associated with autoimmune diseases.
  • Sleeping in a fetal position, put a pillow between your legs. If You usually sleep on your back, put a pillow under your knees
  • A common misconception is the idea that You have to limit physical activity for a long time. Bed rest is not recommended!!! If you do not have fever, weight loss, involuntary urination and defecation, you Need to stay active as much as you can stand. You can reduce your activity only for the first two days after the onset of pain. Start doing light aerobic exercise. Walking on the treadmill, swimming can help to improve the flow of blood to the muscles of the back. Consult your physician for selection of exercises, so as not to cause amplification of the pain syndrome.


Most people feel a lot better after the first week of treatment. After 4-6 weeks, a significant proportion of patients, the pain disappears completely.

a trip to the doctor

In some cases you should immediately consult a doctor:

  1. Lower back pain in combination with pain in the lower part of the leg and foot pain
  2. The pain does not allow you to service
  3. The pain is combined with urinary incontinence and fecal incontinence
  4. The combination of the pain in the lower back with numbness in the buttocks, thighs, leg, foot, groin
  5. If You have already had back pain before
  6. If the pain lasts more than 3 days
  7. If you are taking hormones
  8. If pain has occurred after an injury
  9. Already diagnosed with cancer
  10. If You've lost weight recently for unclear reasons